I'm looking forward to the day when I can write a post on here that says, "Last week was an AWESOME week!" Or even, "today was a GREAT day!!!" Hopefully soon those statements will ring true. For the meantime, let's go with "the last few weeks have been pretty good." :)
The last couple of weeks have been rough for the obvious reason. But unfortunately, my kids have also decided to completely change up our daily schedule on me. At a time in my life when I could really use some "alone time" or even just "quiet time" I no longer have either!! argh. Before a couple of weeks ago, Sis still took a morning and afternoon nap (a couple of hours each) and brother napped for a couple of hours in the afternoon (almost always at the same time as Sissy. Nowadays, Sis sleeps for about 2 hours in the afternoon, right after lunch, and Brother NEVER sleeps!! and rarely stops talking. I try to at least make him play in his room for a while, but if I get 45 min I am lucky. So, our days are feeling very long to say the least. I know it will just take some time to adjust to this new routine, but MAN it came at a bad time for me. I feel anxious and antsy a lot and I think it is because I don't have a chance to get the things done that I NEED to get done, much less the things that I WANT to do. I also don't get a chance to just sit and mentally process things. It just leaves me feeling unsettled. The past few weeks have definitely had a few ugly days, some bad ones, but lots of good ones.
The good days are finally starting to outnumber the bad. We have been making a concerted effort to get out as a family and do some fun activities with the kids. We have been to some fun birthday parties, taken a trip to the aquarium, and visited the pumpkin patch. I have finally gotten a couple of things checked off my sewing TO DO list. I have had a ton of fun helping my brother's fiance plan their wedding. And I have gotten some fun opportunities to sharpen my photography skills. Here is a look at our past couple of weeks in pictures.
Things I am Dreading: Tomorrow. Tomorrow was my due date. So weird to think that for the last 9 weeks, I "should have been" pregnant. Hopefully tomorrow will be uneventful. Instead of giving birth to a healthy, full-term baby on Nov 2nd, I will be going back to my doctor to see why in the world my belly is still hurting. ARGH!
Things I am looking forward to!: sewing, taking pictures, getting a pedicure, seeing my kids when they get back from Mimi's, giving them lots of kisses, hosting my family for thanksgiving, going on vacation with my hubby!!
I have to keep focusing on the many, many blessings in my left, or else the sadness starts to overshadow them. The last few weeks have been rough. Here's hoping that the next few weeks will be awesome. :)
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