Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Beautiful Day!

Well, for those of you that don't live around here, I have to tell you that today was actually nice enough to go outside!!

 I know. Hard to believe. After a month of 110 degree temps, we had nearly resigned to the fact that we were going to spend the rest of the summer locked inside.

After a pretty scary thunderstorm last night (which included 8 hours without power) the temps finally dropped out of the scalding range and into the 70's!! Even now at noon, it is only 85 degrees!

We celebrated by spending the whole morning outside. We scarfed down breakfast then ran outside to play in the sand, the water, the swings and the slides! The kids had so much fun. Sis even got to skip her morning nap.

After playing their little hearts out, we all hopped in the shower to knock the sand off, scarfed down some lunch, then the kiddos headed to bed!  Now, I have some crafts to work on, assuming I can keep my eyes open a little while longer, then I'm hitting the sack as well. I really look forward to my afternoon naps!  They are heavenly. 

I am so excited about this weekend. Saturday I am having maternity pictures taken. A friend of ours (who will also be our photographer for Bella's birthday at the hospital) is going to take them for us. I am so excited to have some pictures of my big ol' Bella belly. So I've been trying to figure out what outfits everyone is going to wear for the shoot. I figured Sissy needs a new headband or two to wear (because, you know, none of the 100's that I've made her are just exactly right :)  So that is one of my crafty projects for the day. My eyes are getting heavy, so i better get to work. Hope everyone is having a great day and enjoying this beautiful weather. 

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