Sunday, June 12, 2011

Movin' and Groovin"

I felt her move today!!!  Big deal, you say?? well, the thing is, I hadn't felt her move in 2 whole days. :( I was starting to get freaked out. But tonight, she has been moving and grooving! phew! Praise God. :)

This weekend was a weekend full of celebrations! We began by celebrating our anniversary by catching a movie while a sweet friend watched the kiddos. It was nice to get out of the house for sure, and to spend time just me and my husband. Then Saturday morning my awesome husband took Brother with him to run errands so that I could take advantage of Sissy's morning nap and catch up on some sleep myself. It was much appreciated! The rest of the day was spent cooking and cleaning and getting ready for our company that night. We had my husband's side of the family over to celebrate the kids' birthdays. It was good to see everyone and the kids had fun opening all of their presents.

Here is Brother trying on his "Armor of God"

The kiddos going for a ride in their new wagon!! I'm not sure who was more excited about this one, the kids or momma!

Opening gifts--Don't you just love skinny minnie's little legs sticking out of her pettiskirt! Love those kids!

Today was Brother's ACTUAL birthday. He has been confused about this for a while now. We have had a total of 5 "celebrations" for his/Sissy's bdays. He kept asking, "momma, and I 3 yet? Am I still 2?"
Today, when he woke up, we opened his door and started singing Happy Birthday and he said "It is not my Birthday AGAIN."  poor guy. But now he is officially 3! We ate the birthday donuts to prove it. This afternoon, I hustled to make his big b-day present while he was napping. Ta Da!  

I had told him I was going to make him one and he was SO stoked!! But today when he woke up from his nap, he could have cared less about it! Oh well. At least now he has one to go with Sissy's...

I think she liked his chair more than he did! 

While I had plenty of stuff to keep my mind occupied this weekend, I also had many moments where waves of sadness crept in. After the movie was over Friday night, I, of course headed straight to the ladies room. (baby dancing on bladder + large drink) As I was in there the thought crossed my mind that all these girls in here were just having a great time, enjoying an evening out and here I was carrying this heartache. As I looked in the mirror, I realized that I looked different. Different from them--Different than I used to look. I looked sad. I felt like I had this huge secret and I wondered if I would always feel this way. It was a fleeting thought, but as we left the mall the sadness lingered. 

Then, this morning I actually debated on whether or not to go to church today. I wasn't sure if I was ready to be around a large group of friends for the first time. I wasn't sure how many people knew our situation, and I didn't know what would be worse--for EVERYONE to already know, or for a lot of people NOT to know and have to have a lot of awkward conversations. We decided that it would either be really good, or really hard. We loaded up the kids and prayed it would be good. I could not have been more blessed by the love we experienced from my church family this morning. While it was obvious that the news had not completely made the rounds, we were fully embraced with hugs, and prayers, and kind words of love. We know, without a doubt that whatever this journey brings, our church family will be there to shower us with Christ's love every step of the way. For that we are truly blessed. 

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