Tuesday, July 19, 2011

A Busy Break

Well, I have had 2 full kid-free days and I am exhausted! I am ready to get my babies back so I can relax and get some rest. Never thought I'd say that! :)  I have had a great couple of days though. On Monday, after a quick trip to my jaw doctor, I enjoyed a little bit of shopping. It was amazing to me how much I was able to accomplish in one day. I think I went into 8 or 9 stores--in one day!!!! With 2 kids, I think my maximum number of stops is three. By the time you wrangle all the snacks and diapers and get the kids in and out of the carseats, AND deal with the 106 degree temperatures its just not worth leaving the house sometimes. After my shopping extravaganza, I enjoyed a nice prenatal massage, a visit with a friend, dinner with my hubby, and a trip to the movies!  

Today was spent on the big project I mentioned last time. I have had a few people ask, 'so..what is this big project you're working on?!?!'  Ha! I didn't mean to be so mysterious and elusive! The project I'm helping with is a total makeover of our church's childrens building. We are completely mural-ing it out. There is a hallway that is approximately 1/2 mile long (ok, D, maybe not that long--but close) that we are muraling both sides of. There are also about 8 or nine classrooms with different themes that we are painting. I painted today for about 6 hours and hope to get another 3 or 4 hours in tomorrow. This was by far the most productive day I have had on this project because I didn't have to worry about the kids while trying to paint. I know it will be a while before we feel like the project is completely completed, but I can't wait to see it! It is going to be such a dramatic change and I am so blessed to be a part of it. It is so awesome to have a way to use the artistic abilities that God has given me, in a way that serves him.

1 comment:

  1. I loved what you did in the kindergarten room! Teddy had to bring me down to see it on Sunday! Soooo cute!!! Really it is all so amazing!!! Thanks so much for sharing your talents with the children at ECC. I know they all love it!
